Maths 3D Shapes Term 4

Salve, Et Deus Benedicat Tibi ( Good Morning, and God Bless You)

This Week we were focusing on 3D shapes in Maths. We used dotty paper and made a net, but it was very complicated because you had to get it right or it would fail. I was trying to make a rectangular prism. My first attempt failed because it had no top and my second attempt failed as well because it had no sides. It was still fun! Here are some pictures of my first attempt and second attempt. The first attempt failed because it had no top because I did not put the slab in the middle. The second attempt failed by not having any side because I forgot a step for the edges.

This is my first attempt ⬇️
Four vertices
twenty edges
two faces

This is my second attempt ⬇️


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