Things about Sudan

As-salam alaykum, (Peace be with you)

This morning we listened to Phil and Janet the missionaries of Sudan at the church here are some facts that we learnt today: 

#1 The Nile river goes from Uganda all the way through South Sudan

#2 There are up to 400 to 500 people in Juba 

#3 There are 65 different languages including English 

#4 They use pounds not dollars 

#5 100 pounds in Sudan is 30 Cents 

#6 In Sudan they normally don't send their kids to school

#7 To go to school in Sudan they have to shave their hair 

#8 Their man food is aseda 

#9 They normally have scars on their face to tell what tribe they're in 

     this was made in 2015 


  this is worth 30 cents

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