Don the eel man

Good Afternoon Everyone, 

 Today we learnt about eels with Don these are some facts that I learnt

1 He worked for NIWA 

2 They have slime on their body so they can swim through things without getting stuck

3 The LONGEST eel is 2 centimeters long    

4 They have a lateral line to sense and feel things    

5 Long fins spend a lot of time hiding 

6 They suck there food in whole if it is small 

7 They spin around in circles to get all the flesh off of them  

8 Eels eat ducklings baby birds rats and mice 

9 They evolved from other fish and they can get really old 

10 They cut their ear bones out to see how old they are

11 Females are bigger than male eels 

12 They lay 7 to 20 million eggs 

13 Baby eels are called leptocephalus  

14 They change in shape that is called metallosis  

15 You normally find baby eels in hydro dams 

16 An eel would try to eat a crab 

17 You can look at an eel and if its bottom is red that means its been eating crab 

18 Eels don't like sunlight and they don't like dirty water 

19 Eels need places to hide in the daylight 

20 Eels like small cavity's  

21 Eels eat their food whole  

22 We need to protect female eels 

   Thanks for reading my blog about today 




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